These are inserted into one's helmet, and emit a warning tone at a predefined altitude. Audible altimeters (also known as "dytters", a genericised trademark of the first such product on the market).If the intended landing zone is at a different elevation than the takeoff point, the user needs to input the appropriate offset by using a designated function. It is thus essential that the user not turn it on earlier than necessary to avoid, for example, the drive to a dropzone located at a different altitude than one's home which could cause a potentially fatal false reading.

An electronic altimeter is activated on the ground before the jump, and calibrates automatically to point to 0.
#The altitude simulator
Since these altimeters already contain all the electronic circuitry necessary for altitude calculation, they are commonly equipped with auxiliary functions such as electronic logbook, real-time jump profile replay, speed indication, simulator mode for use in ground training, etc. This type always operates electronically, and conveys the altitude as a number, rather than a pointer on a dial.
#The altitude free
Skydiver in free fall, making use of a hand-mounted altimeter. Because barometric pressure changes with the weather, hikers must periodically re-calibrate their altimeters when they reach a known altitude, such as a trail junction or peak marked on a topographical map. It is more reliable, and often more accurate, than a GPS receiver for measuring altitude the GPS signal may be unavailable, for example, when one is deep in a canyon, or it may give wildly inaccurate altitudes when all available satellites are near the horizon.

Use in hiking, climbing and skiing Ī barometric altimeter, used along with a topographic map, can help to verify one's location. However, one must be aware that this type of altimeter relies on "density altitude" and its readings can vary by hundreds of feet owing to a sudden change in air pressure, such as from a cold front, without any actual change in altitude.

The constant c depends on the acceleration of gravity and the molar mass of the air.

Where c is a constant, T is the absolute temperature, P is the pressure at altitude z, and P o is the pressure at sea level. The calibration of an altimeter follows the equation Hikers and mountain climbers use wrist-mounted or hand-held altimeters, in addition to other navigational tools such as a map, magnetic compass, or GPS receiver. A pressure altimeter is the altimeter found in most aircraft, and skydivers use wrist-mounted versions for similar purposes. When a barometer is supplied with a nonlinear calibration so as to indicate altitude, the instrument is called a pressure altimeter or barometric altimeter. The greater the altitude, the lower the pressure. Digital barometric pressure sensor for altitude measurement in consumer electronic applicationsĪltitude can be determined based on the measurement of atmospheric pressure.